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[07 Aug 2014|07:27pm]
WHO Asha and Sandor
WHAT A clothing delivery
WHEN Sunday Morning.
WHERE Chez Asha
RATING Mature content. Because, Sandor and Asha.
STATUS Incomplete.

Sunday mornin', comin' down. )

Texts [22 Jul 2014|02:38pm]

FROM Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn
TO Robb Stark
WHEN July 22

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FROM Daenerys
TO Missandei
WHEN July 22

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Thread: Robb & Daenerys [16 Jul 2014|11:01pm]

WHO Robb Stark & Daenerys (Targaryen) Stormborn
WHAT After Daenerys's indication that she's had Personal Experiences with Lannister treachery, he decides to ask her about it as part of his burgeoning investigation.
WHEN Wednesday, July 16, roughly 6 PM
WHERE Upscale restaurant on the outskirts of Pentos, near the border with Westeros
RATING TBD but presumably nothing more than talk of murder or trivial things like that Yeah, low rating
STATUS Complete

In all the action movies Theon had compared Robb's life to, this would be the scene in which all the bad guys sprung from the shadows, forcing him (or maybe his stunt double) to Matrix his way out of it in a heroic escape... )

Texts: Robb & Catelyn, & Daenerys [16 Jul 2014|09:28pm]

FROM Robb Stark
TO Catelyn Stark
WHEN July 16, during lunch break

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FROM Robb Stark
TO Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn
WHEN July 16, during lunch break

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Log: Robb & Roose [15 Jul 2014|11:41am]

WHO Robb Stark & Roose Bolton
WHAT Robb starts to call the bannermen(!) lock in some alliances to fight back against the Lannisters' Ned-related accusations.
WHEN Saturday evening, so slightly backdated
WHERE The Boltons' house
RATING No particular warnings to speak of
STATUS Complete

Roose had been comforting Bethany when he got the call from Robb... )

[14 Jul 2014|10:06pm]

WHO Missandei and Margaery
WHAT An 'accidental' meeting
WHEN Backdated to last week
WHERE Randomly around town
RATING No warnings, just an encounter
STATUS Ongoing

Missandei knew exactly where she was )

Backstory Log: Robb & Catelyn [13 Jul 2014|11:53pm]

WHO Robb Stark & Catelyn Stark
WHAT Talking about Robb getting ready to apply for the police force
WHEN Backdated to about a year ago
WHERE The Starks' home in Winterfell
RATING No warnings, just mama & son chatting
STATUS Complete

The last remnants of the evening sun had just dipped low behind the horizon, casting everything in a warm, pink glow, a hazy watercolor of brilliant pastel hues that seeped into the Stark home... )

Email to Sansa Stark [13 Jul 2014|08:39pm]

To: Miss Sansa Stark
From: Tyrion Lannister Esq.
When: July 13th, 2pm
Subject line: Current Events

Miss Stark,
I take it you don't want to come to our meeting anymore?
-Tyrion Lannister

Various Group & Individual Texts [13 Jul 2014|12:25pm]

FROM Robb Stark
TO Stark Family (Catelyn, Sansa, Arya, Jon, Theon)
WHEN July 12, ambiguously afternoon for right now, but not too long after he hears. Feel free to have this be your character's notification; if they learned in a different way, we can say they didn't see this right away or w/e! I just wanted to get it up asap.

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FROM Robb Stark
TO Arya Stark
WHEN July 12, along with previous text

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FROM Robb Stark
TO Sansa Stark
WHEN July 12, along with previous texts

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FROM Robb Stark
TO Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy
WHEN July 12, along with previous texts

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[13 Jul 2014|03:42pm]

WHO Brienne Tarth and Margaery Tyrell
WHAT The two women in Renly's life and potentially awkward conversations
WHEN Monday the 14th maybe?
WHERE Stormland Promotion


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